Friday, February 19, 2016

The Blanky Vest - Wait. What?

This is a silly garment.

I know that. It's silly. And I made it. And it's still silly. I have yet to actually wear this outside of my house. Because it's silly. BUT...

But it's so soft and cozy.
But it's cheap!
But I made it myself, Mom.
But I love the colors.
But it's kind of a cool shape, right?

I was inspired to make this "Blanky Vest" by some scarf vests I saw at the fabric store. I looked at them closely and saw how simple they were--a simple rectangle with armholes cut in them. The edges were all hemmed neatly. And they were made of... chiffon. Oh. I do not have the sartorial skill to do that with chiffon. Or to do anything with chiffon.

So I started ruminatin'. What fabric could I use with this same simple pattern to create a scarf vest without wanting to slit my wrists because CHIFFON?

Then it hit me--fleece. Fleece doesn't ravel. It doesn't even have to be hemmed. And I could make FRINGE around the edges if I so desired! Brilliant!

All my ruminatin', engineerin', and plannin' led to this: the Blanky Vest you see before you. Cost me about five bucks and forty-five minutes of crawling around on the floor, measuring and cutting.

As the Blanky Vest is as yet untested in public, I cannot announce whether it is a success or not. But I like it. Maybe you'll see me wearing it around the streets of Houston soon.

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